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domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Pulcher Femina - Lost Forever

Pulcher Femina
Album:Shadows of the Lovers(2002)

Lost Forever

In the light of your eyes I feel safe and warm
And I know the reason why I love you
And my dreai came to an end
The magic was gone
While tears begin to fall from my eyes
I realise now I have to take flight
And leave the pain behind
I walk blind in my heart
You won't be with me
I can't hear your heart beating
What is real and what is true
I wish I could dream
We are not what we seem to be
Everything I had is now lost forever
Forget the past
Nothing left inside
I can't stop thinking of your eyes
How did my life.

Estas letras me mostraron otra verdad que había en mi corazón… con lo que quedo dentro de mi esta canción es para ti…

1 comentario:

Suspiria dijo...

Mantaaa, hahahaha buscando un disco de Pulcher di con tu link y me hizo recordar cosas bonitas
te extraño >D